Keep your House Cool during Hot Summers with These Stellar Tips
Keep your House Cool during Hot Summers with These Stellar Tips

If your go-to solution to cool your home is to crank up the air-conditioner, then all you’ll end up with is a real hefty electricity bill. The sweltering summer can be tough, but there are some simple and effective ways such as house window tinting in Adelaide to keep your house cool even during the hottest of summers.
Mentioned below are some of the best ways to keep your house pleasantly cool even during soaring temperatures. Let’s take a look at some eco-friendly ways that can help you cut down on electricity costs and transform your household into a budget-friendly paradise.
Tips to Lower Household Temperature
1. Close the blinds
During extremely hot summer days, close the blinds on your windows to prevent UV rays from entering through. This will keep your room significantly cooler as they will shield your home from the harsh summer Sun.
2. Reset your thermostat
If using an air conditioner is a must, set the thermostat between 24- 27 °C or whichever temperature you feel comfortable with. Increasing a thermostat by just 1°C during very hot weather will reduce the running cost of your appliance by a whopping 10%.
If you intend to upgrade your air conditioner, choose the right type of air conditioner for your home with a high energy star rating.
3. Seal gaps and close doors
Close the doors to rooms that you or a family member aren’t using, to keep the cool air of your air conditioners from escaping. Also, seal gaps around doors and windows so that the air from your cool room does not leak out.
4. Hack a fan
No air conditioner at home? Not an issue. All you need to do is place a bowl of ice right under a fan to enjoy some cold mist right under your fan without breaking the bank.
5. Change your lightbulbs
If you are facing difficulty cooling your home, and you cannot figure out why, then perhaps your light bulbs are the ones to blame. Incandescent and halogen light bulbs produce a lot of heat. So, if you use such bulbs at home, try switching to energy–saving bulbs like LED lights as they are cool lights that can also help you save up on energy costs.
6. House Window Tinting
Window tints are the most eco-friendly way to keep your house cool. They reduce the amount of sunlight that enters your home and help you save up on your air conditioner's energy consumption.
So, choose Tint Warriors for the best window film treatment in Adelaide. With premium quality tints, your house is surely going to be a comfortable and cosy haven to live in. Call now!
Tags: tint removal Adelaide, Window tint removal Adelaide
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